Sunday, May 26, 2024



ITALY - Vincenzo Melisi.  He possesses a very appealing boyish handsomeness that strikes a great balance with the current slender trend epitomized by Timothee Chalemet and classic handsomeness with toned physiques that this competition rewards time and again.  So I see him as a possible Final Five contender, and a possible usurper for the title behind the likes of FRANCE and THAILAND.

KOREA - Yoon Sung.  I find it odd that he won a special award of "Face of the Year", as if you ask me I would've probably given it to, say, ITALY.  Still, I feel he has a polished image and has an appealingly beefy physique that I can foresee him making the cut and making a play for the Top 10.

LEBANON - Abed Seeman.  He stands out with his wavy long hair and handsome, swarthy features.  Glad this contest has relaxed the clean-shaven directive they used to enforce so I'm reasonably confident this guy can pull off a Top 20 finish.  Admittedly I'm normally not into long-haired guys, but I can make an exception for him.  Nevertheless, I don't foresee him advancing further as he's not as breathtakingly gorgeous as, say, Mister International (New Era)'s Saif Walid El-Harb, who would've made a big splash here, but he's now the reigning Mister Grand International so he's not inclined to compete here at this time.

MACAU - Yue Yu.  He got the special award of Best Runway Model, which might be apt with the gimmicky posings he tends to make.  For his haute couture outfit, he chose to dress up like a riot policeman--is he making a pro-China political statement with his outfit, I wonder?  I have a feeling those gimmicks might give him a possible "in" to the Top 20.

MALAYSIA - Joash Choo.  Being award Best Body is very apt for this guy because he really has an enviable physique--traditionally this is a territory that is the stranglehold of this country's former territory and current neighbor SINGAPORE but this year this guy wrested the honor for his country.  He's reasonably polished enough, but he doesn't quite possess much charisma, so I'm not certain having an enviable body would be enough for him to enter the Top 20.

MALTA - Ilyan Seychell.  He was given the special award of Best European Model, which I found a bit dubious considering the presence of FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, and SWITZERLAND, so I have a gnawing feeling it's like a consolation prize for being competitive enough but not enough to fare as high as the aforementioned guys.  Still I think he is of a claiber to make a possible play for the Top 20.

MEXICO - Adrian Jesus Villela.  He is handsome and in another year he could've made more serious inroads and be a Top 20 contender.  But he also possesses a bulky bodybuilder's frame, which is not really favored in this pageant.  

NEPAL - Abhinav Tapa.  He's probably considered raw, but I think he actually is reasonably good looking and buffed enough--just that there are others who are buffer and handsomer than him.  I noticed some swimsuit photos that seem to indicate he's a rival behind COSTA RICA for the Dino Nicolina Award.

NETHERLANDS - Ilyas Chaouki.  He's surprisingly more polished than I thought he would be.  He would be another beneficiary of the relaxation of the clean-shaven directive as he pulls off charisma even while keeping his scruff.  I don't see him faring as high as his two most recent predecessors, but he's a Top 20 shoo-in with a possible play for the Top 10.

NEW ZEALAND - Raven Henry.  He got a special award as Best Oceania Model, so it made me wonder--did he beat AUSTRALIA and this batch of judges prefer his beefy frame over AUSTRALIA's trendy Chalemet-style slenderness, or is this another consolation prize like the other continental special awards?

NICARAGUA - Jeril Vado.  He evokes a slender version of Mister International (New Era) 1st runner-up and Mister Supranational 2021 2nd runner-up William Badell from Venezuela.  He can make a play for the Top 20, though for now my eyes are focused on the likes of COLOMBIA, PERU, and VENEZUELA.

PAKISTAN - Ahmad Khan.  See NEPAL, but light-complexioned and scruffier and not quite incontention for the Dino Nicolina Award.

PERU - Francisco Dall'orso.  I tink this guy has the looks, physique, and charisma to be a Top 10 contender, and I hope the Best in Swimwear special award he won was an indicator that he'll do well in this competition.  But I do notice that facially, if you put him together with COLOMBIA and MEXICO, it's a bit hard to tell them apart.  Still, I think he's a standout and deserves to go far in this competition.


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